Learn to create super-targeted lead-generating B2B Ads on LinkedIn.
(A Free Training Course)
Is this for you?
You’re a B2B professional. You’re looking to drive B2B leads through targeted Ads and/or distribute your B2B content marketing.
Why LinkedIn® Ads?
LinkedIn® Advertising offers you an unrivalled ability to place your products, services & content directly in front of highly-targeted B2B decision makers.
Traffic from LinkedIn® (to your site) is unsurpassed in terms of quality.
LinkedIn® Users are professionals, ready to research, learn & conduct Business.
Unlike some other paid Ad channels, no one is there to surf cat videos.
Content Marketing – Distribution
Are you spending hours (and/or a fortune?) on content that your B2B prospects never see?
Sponsored Updates (‘native’ content that blends-in with the natural LinkedIn® Newsfeed) can provide an enormous & targeted audience for your research, whitepapers & blog posts.
Direct Response & Re-targeting
Laser-targeted Display Ads bring the highest-quality prospects to dedicated Landing Pages on your B2B website.
From there, enable re-targeting of this premium group (across the entire internet) with your message.